With the rise in Mental health challenges & Psychological Well-being, I'd like to encourage you to think about your daily practices & it's impact on your emotional wellbeing whether you're male or female or gender fluid.
Recently I came across this quote "if you don't hug your demons they'll bite you in the ass", which sums the rationale for my new book. We all go through stuff in life & will continue doing so until the day we die. Some of these stuff and/or experiences, be they positive or negative, have a way of shaping the course of our lives whether we like it or not.
Learning to address these experiences & effectively deal with your stuff "demons", is a process that we must all undertake & learn to master to ensure that we thrive in life & fulfil our dreams & full potential. It is for this reason that I wrote my new book "Break Negative Cycles".
Within this book you'll learn to recognise your triggers, beliefs system, develop & maintain healthy habits to protect your Mental health & Psychological Well-being. GET YOUR COPIES NOW FROM ALL MAJOR BOOK RETAILERS ACROSS THE GLOBE.
VISIT MY WEBSITE: www.onevoicecounselling.com.