Liberated from Limits to Your Infinite Potential

Getting to know Eunice the Founder
About Eunice & her Work
Eunice is a Systemic Therapist with a background in Forensic Psychology and additional training as a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (CBT) and Counsellor. She is a member of the Association of Family Therapy & Systemic Practitioners in the UK. Eunice has worked with children, young people, families, women and men in various settings over a decade.
Eunice has worked within both the private and public sector, providing Mental Health and Psychological Intervention support to these client groups. She has worked alongside Immigration Judge and Barrister Jacqueline McIntosh in child care and family proceedings, in Schools, with charities such as Family Action and Home Start, within a Law firm, Her Majesty Prison and Probation Services (HMPPS) etc.
Eunice is passionate about the Psychological and Mental Health well-being of children, families and individuals. She always seeks new opportunities to collaborate with organisations and/or individuals on projects aimed at this client group. In mid 2013-2014 Eunice was the lead Youth Worker on a Young Leaders' Project piloted by Lewisham Council. She recruited and worked with about 20 young people from the community, between the ages of 10-19 years old on a topic of their choice. Eunice and her team of young people produced a community showcase event on the topic of Cyber bullying, discussing what it is and how to manage it, through various creative graffiti canvas (See pictures below).
Eunice believes that all children should be given the chance to grow-up in a safe and loving environment, without the experience of adverse childhood trauma. She strongly believes that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) or trauma, is not just an individual problem rather a societal and global issue.
Eunice also believes that Children, Women, Families and individuals, ought to be given the chance to heal from their pain and trauma through therapy. In order to help them live empowered lives, pursue their aspirations and learn to dream again by breaking the cycle of Mental Health and Psychological Issues.