Good morning all, I hope you're all well.

As I ponder on my life thus far, I can't help but be grateful for how far I'm come as a person, and how much I have matured over the years, especially in this pandemic.
This picture represents the posture of my heart and doesn't do much justice to the level of gratitude I feel.
Maintaining a positive Mental Health and Psychological Well-being, requires you to celebrate yourself and express appreciation for the small and big victories.
I've previously spoken about the importance of gratitude, but you can never be too thankful for your life and that of others, as it changes your perception on life.
Hence, it's important to ensure we don't trivalise the importance of gratitude & how its linked to issues of SELF DOUBT & Low Self-Esteem, particularly in situations where ONE is constantly BELITTLED or CRITICIZED by others and/or themselves.
Consequently, as you go through your day, my CHALLENGE to YOU , is to FIND at LEAST ONE THING in the DAY or YOUR LIFE that you're grateful for.
Have a fabulous day 😉xe